Onions are a common food,Its tender meat, juicy spicy light, good quality, suitable for raw food, it is known as the "queen of dishes", nutritional value is higher.dehydrated onion can also be added to food to build up resistance of people , and it can also act as delicious food. Dehydrated Onion contains prostaglandin A, can reduce peripheral vascular resistance, reduce blood viscosity, can be used to reduce blood pressure, refresh the brain, reduce stress, prevent colds.In addition, onion can also remove oxygen free radicals in the body, enhance metabolic capacity, anti-aging, prevention of osteoporosis, is suitable for the elderly health food. Dehydrated onion is essential. Not only can be used as seasoning, but also sterilization, is a high value of the product.
Application Applied in healthy field, it is mainly used to inhibit the reproduction of colon bacillus, salmonella and etc. It also can treat respiratory infection and disease of digestive tract of poultry and livestock.It can also be added to food to build up resistance of people , and it can also act as delicious food